Vacuum cleaners are straightforward appliances that are supposed to make your life easier by removing dirt and dust from your home. Seeing your vacuum spew out dust and grime instead of sucking it in is not a pretty sight. There is a simple solution, though. You've come to the right place if your vacuum keeps spewing out dirt and dust.

What Causes a Vacuum to Eject Junk and How to Stop It?

This section will explain why and how to fix the problem of debris being ejected from your handheld vacuum cleaner.

Take Out The Vacuum's Bin And Wash It

The dirt in the vacuum's container should be removed immediately and the container cleaned so that the vacuum can resume its intended function. Since there is nowhere for the dirt to go, the vacuum will have to keep spewing it out if it isn't cleaned.

Make Sure Your Filter Is Cleaned

The vacuum's HEPA filter is easily clogged. The filter in the vacuum needs to be cleaned so that it can release clean air. A clogged filter will cause the vacuum to release contaminated air. You should read the filter's care instructions to find out if it's permanent or washable.

You shouldn't wash it, because that would ruin the strands that trap the dust and dirt. If the filter is washable, remove any dust before giving it a good rinsing in water.


Clogging the mini vacuum cleaner is a common problem caused by dirt and other large particles that get caught inside. Blockages typically occur in the dust cup's air duct, which is located either behind the brush roller or the hose.

If the vacuum is clogged, you can remove the dust buildup with a stick. Clogs tend to accumulate in inconvenient areas, so a stick is essential for removing them effectively.

Have you tried the spraying function on your vacuum?

Several models of commercial vacuums have attachments that allow them to be utilized as water or paint sprayers. We refer to these vacuum cleaners as "combo devices." It's possible that the "vacuum" setting on your device is actually the "spray" setting if you have one of these vacuums.

If that's the case, switching the vacuum's mode should fix the issue.

Plug the vacuum in backwards.

You can tell your mini handheld vacuum cleaner is spewing dirt because it won't suction air. This issue can arise if either the vacuum itself or its electric motor are plugged in backwards. In that situation, you can test whether or not the vacuum cleaner still functions by plugging it in backwards.

Vacuum's Bag Needs Checking

If the vacuum's bag isn't properly installed (either because you neglected to install it or because you did it incorrectly), the dirt will be sucked back into the machine and discharged back into the air. You should get a new vacuum bag if the one you have is worn out. Otherwise, the vacuum could spew dirt if the bag isn't properly fitted.

Verify that the fan belt in the vacuum is engaged.

A twisted drive belt on the electric motor is a common cause of subpar vacuum performance. A simple turn can switch the direction of the vacuum's fan. If this is the case, you will need to flip your vacuum over and take the belt off. If the belt appears to be cracked, worn, or otherwise damaged, you should get a new one. If you do this, the issue will disappear.


Professional janitors can either blow or suction the air to clean a space. The connection point of the suction hose determines this. It's possible that you turned on the vacuum's blowing function instead of the suction function.

In that scenario, switch the direction of the hose's connection so that the vacuum draws the dirt in rather than expels it.


Many different things can cause your mini hand vacuum to spew dirt. Either the bag doesn't suit you properly or you've forgotten about it. It's also possible that the bag is at capacity and cannot accept any more dirt. There may be a number of different causes for this issue. If your vacuum is spewing dirt and dust, you should read the manual to identify the cause and the proper fix.